Metafora stupului: De la Gaudi la Le Corbusier/ Juan Antonio Ramirez; Traducere de Gheorghe Bala
Meridiane, 2003, Bucuresti
, (carte) 118p., ISBN 973-33-0435-2
Topics (ro): stup - albina - miere - metafora; metafora stupului - arta - arhitectura; Gaudi, Antoni (1852-1926) - arhitectura - Spania; Le Corbusier (Jeanneret, Charles-Édouard), 1887-1965 - arhitectura - Franta; Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig (1886-1969) Topics (en): beehive - honey bee - honey - metaphor; metaphor of the beehive - fine arts - architecture; Gaudi, Antoni (1852-1926) - architecture - Spain; Le Corbusier (Jeanneret, Charles-Édouard), 1887-1965 - architecture - France; Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig (1886-19 | | Position: Ua.017-RAM
UDC: 72"18/19"(084)
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