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Found books: 1 - 3 (total 3 t: a: ).

1. Nastase, D.
The Romanian Documents: [extras din:] Simonopetra Mount Athos/ D. Nastase
ETBA Hellenic Industrial Development Bank S.A., , (extras) pp.280-282
Topics (ro): documente românesti - Muntele Athos - Simonopetra; diplomatica; medievistica - România
Topics (en): Romanian documents - Mount Athos - Simonopetra; diplomatics; Medieval studies - Romania
Position: Vh.40-NAS UDC: 949.8

2. Nastase, D.
Une chronique byzantine perdue et sa version slavo-roumaine (La chronique de Tismana, 1411-1413), I: Offprint from Cyrillomethodianum IV
Cyrillomethodianum, 1977, Thessalonique , (carte) pp.100-171
Topics (ro): istoriografie - cronica româna - Tismana - 1411-1413; istorie - România - tarile române - evul mediu - sec.XV; bizantinologie; medievistica
Topics (en): historiography - Romanian chronicle - Tismana - 1411-1413; history - Romania - Romanian Countries, the - Middle Ages - the 15th century; byzantinology; medieval studies
Position: Vh.40-NAS UDC: 949.8"14"

3. Nastase, D.; Marinescu, F.
Les Actes Roumaines de Simonopetra (Mont Athos): Catalogue Sommaire/ D. Nastase, F. Marinescu
Manoutios, 1987, Athenes , (carte) 158p.
Topics (ro): repertoriu - acte românesti - sec.XV-XIX - manastirea Simonopetra - Grecia; istorie - diplomatica
Topics (en): -
Position: Za-NAS* UDC: 930.22(498)