New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 2 (total 2 t: a: ).

1. Johnson, Christopher H.
Becoming bourgeois: love, kinship, and power in provincial France, 1670-1880/ Christopher H. Johnson
Cornell University Press, 2015, Ithaca and London , (carte) 345p.: il., h., ISBN 978-0-8014-5498-4
Topics (ro): istorie - Franta - clasa de mijloc - 1670/1880; istorie sociala - Franta - legaturi de rudenie - burghezie - 1670/1880
Topics (en): istorie - Franta - middle class - 1760/1880; social history - France - kinship - bourgeoisie - 1670/1880
Position: H.011b-JOH UDC: 94(44)''1670/1880''
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Johnson, Christopher H.; Jussen, Bernhard; Sabean, David Warren; Teuscher, Simon [Eds.]
Blood & Kinship: matter for metaphor from ancient Rome to the present / edited by Christopher H. Johnson, Bernhard Jussen, David Warren Sabean, Simon Teuscher
Berghahn Books, 2013, New York; Oxford , (carte) x, 357p., ISBN 978-0-85745-749-3
Topics (ro): rudenie - Europa - istorie; familie - Europa - istorie; singe - aspecte simbolice - Europa; Europa - civilizatie
Topics (en): kinship - Europe - history; family - Europe - history; blood - symbolic aspects - Europe; Europe - civilization
Position: H.0e-JOH UDC: 306.83
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC