New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 4 (total 4 t: a: ).

1. Heer, Friedrich
Catholicité d'hier et de demain/ Friedrich Heer; Traduit de l'allemand par André Dabezies
Christianisme contemporain, 1960, Lyon , (carte) 187p.
Topics (ro): catolicism - aspecte europene - aspecte universale; crestinism contemporan - catolicism
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/G-340 UDC: 282

2. Heer, Friedrich
The Medieval World: Europe 1100-1350/ Friedrich Heer; Translated from the German by Janet Sondheimer
Phoenix Giant, [1998], London , (carte) vii, 365p., ISBN 0-75380-505-7
Topics (ro): istorie medievala - Europa - 1100-1350; cultura medievala - religie - literatura medievala - Europa - 1100-1350
Topics (en): medieval history - Europe - 1100-1350; medieval culture - religion - medieval literature - Europe - 1100-1350
Position: H.14-HEE UDC: 94(4)"1100/1350"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Heer, Friedrich [ 1916-1983]
Die dritte Kraft: der europäische Humanismus zwischen den Fronten des konfessionellen Zeitalters / Friedrich Heer
S. Fischer Verlag, 1960, Frankfurt am Main , (carte) 742p.
Topics (ro): Istoria civilizatiei - Europa - sec.XV/XVII; Europa - Reforma - Catolicism - Umanism
Topics (en): history of civilisation - Europe - 15th/17thc; Europe - Reformation - Catholicism - Humanism
Position: MT/B-2516 UDC: 930.8515/17

4. Heer, Friedrich [ 1916-1983]
L'Univers du Moyen Age / Friedrich Heer; traduit de l'allemand par Maurice de Gandillac
Fayard, 1970, Paris , (carte) 486p., [32]
Topics (ro): istorie medievala - Europa - 1100-1350; cultura medievala - religie - literatura medievala - Europa - 1100-1350
Topics (en): medieval history - Europe - 1100-1350; medieval culture - religion - medieval literature - Europe - 1100-1350
Position: MT/B-3119 UDC: 94(4)1100/1350
Series: L'aventure des civilisations; Les grandes études historiques