New Europe College

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1. Hamlett, Jane
Material Relations: domestic interiors and middle-class families in England, 1850-1910/ Jane Hamlett
Mancheser University Press, 2010, Manchester , (carte) XVI, 264p.: il., ISBN 978-0-7190-9925-0
Topics (ro): educatie - clasa de mijloc - Anglia - 1850/1910; istorie - Anglia - clasa de mijloc - spatiu domestic - 1850/1910; relatii de familie - Anglia - 1850/1910
Topics (en): education - middle class - England - 1850/1910; history - Englands - middle class - domestic space - 1850/1910; family relations - England - 1850/1910
Position: H.011b-HAM UDC: 94(410)''1850/1910''
Series: Studies in design
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Hamlett, Jane
At Home in the Institution: material life in asylums, lodging houses and schools in Victorian and Edwardian England/ Jane Hamlett
Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, Basingstoke , (carte) XIII, 225p., ISBN 978-1-137-32238-8
Topics (ro): ingrijire institutionalizata - ospicii - Anglia - sec.XIX/XX; persoane instituionalizate - Anglia - sec.XIX/XX; scoli - Anglia - sec.XIX/XX
Topics (en): instituional care - asylums - England - 19th/20th c.; inmates of institutions - England - 19th/20th c.; schools - England - 19th/20th c.
Position: H.0e-HAM UDC: 364(410)''18/19''
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC