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1. Battail, Jean-François; Boyer, Régis; Fournier, Vincent
Les sociétés scandinaves de la Réforme à nos jours / Jean-François Battail, Régis Boyer, Vincent Fournier
Presses Universitaires de France, 1992, Paris , (carte) 596 p., ISBN 2-13-044128-9
Topics (ro): istorie - tarile scandinave - Reforma - sec.XX; istorie politica - reforme politice - tari scandinave, Suedia, Danemarca, Norvegia - sec. XVI-XX; istorie sociala - societate, dezvoltare - sec. XVI-XX; viata sociala - tari scandinave - sec. XVI-XX; ruralis
Topics (en): history - Scandinavian countries - Reformation, the - 20th century; political history - political reforms - Scandinavian countries, Sweden, Denmark, Norway - 16th-20th c.; social history - society, development - 16th-20th c.; social life - Scandinavian co
Position: H.0e-BAT UDC: 316.32(1-924.1)"15/19"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Dionysios o ek Fourna [ 1670-1745 ]
Carte de pictura / Dionisie din Furna; in romaneste de Smaranda Bratu Stati si Sorin Stati; cuvint inainte de Vasile Dragut; studiu introductiv si antologie de ilustratii de Victor Ieronim Stoichita
Meridiane, 1979, Bucuresti , (carte) 179p., [30]f,pl.
Topics (ro): arta - pictura bizantina - tehnica
Topics (en): art - Byzantine painting - technique
Position: MT/C-1513 UDC:; 75.072.3
Series: Biblioteca de arta; 260

3. Dupin, André; Fournier, Armand
Peri theon kai heroon: Epitome de mythologie grecque
Librairie Hachette, 1927, Paris , (carte) 58p.
Topics (ro): literatura greaca - mitologie greaca - zei si eroi - razboiul troian
Topics (en): Greek literature - Greek mythology - gods and heroes - Troian war
Position: DS/A-216 UDC: 821.14:291
Series: Classiques grecs

4. Fournée, Jean
Les themes iconographiques de l'Immaculée Conception en Normandie au moyen-âge et à la Renaissance/ dr. Jean Fournée
Academia Mariana Internationalis, 1957, Romae , (extras) pp.18-106
Topics (ro): iconografie crestina - mariologie - Imaculata Conceptiune; teologie dogmatica - mariologie - iconografie religioasa; arta crestina - Normandia - evul mediu - Renastere
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/J-95 UDC: 7.046.3:23

5. Fournier, Dominique; D'Onofrio, Salvatore (eds.)
Le ferment divin / sous la direction de Dominique Fournier, Salvatore D'Onofrio ; préface de Antonino Buttitta
Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, 1991, Paris , (carte) x, 251p., ISBN 2-7351-0446-X
Topics (ro): bere - aspecte religioase; vin - alcool - aspecte religioase; consum de bauturi alcoolice - istorie
Topics (en): beer - religious aspects; wine - alcohol - religious aspects; Drinking of alcoholic beverages - History
Position: N-FOU UDC: 300
Series: Ethnologie de la France ; 12; Regards sur l'Europe
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Fournier, Marcel
Marcel Mauss: A Biography/ Marcel Fournier; translated by Jane Marie Todd
Princeton University Press, 2006, Princeton; Oxford , (carte) vi, 442p., ISBN 978-0-691-16807-4
Topics (ro): biografie - Mauss, Marcel, 1872-1950 sociolog si antropolog francez; istoria sociologiei - Franta; istoria antropologiei - Franta - sec. XIX-XX
Topics (en): biography - Mauss, Marcel, 1872-1950, French sociologist and anthropologist; history of sociology - France; history of anthropology - France - 19th-20th c.
Position: L.2-MAUSS-Fou UDC: 305.80
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Fournival, Richard de
Fiziologul latin. Bestiarul iubirii/ Richard de Fournival; Ed. ingrijita, trad. din latina si franceza veche, note si studiu de Anca Crivat
Polirom, 2006, Bucuresti , (carte) 176p., ISBN 973-46-03868-X
Topics (ro): literatura medievala - sec. XIII - Fiziologul latin - Bestiarul iubirii; literatura latina medievala - Fournival, Richard de - sec.XIII; alegorie - literatura; animalul exemplar - animale mitice
Topics (en): medieval literature - 13th c. - Latin Phisiologus - Bestiary of Love; medieval Latin literature - Fournival, Richard de - 13th c.; allegory - literature; exemplary beast - mythical animals
Position: H.142-FOU UDC: 821.124-1=135.1
Series: Biblioteca medievala/ col.coord. de Alexander Baumgarten
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Hunkeler, Thomas; Fournier Kiss, Corinne; Lütho, Ariane [Eds.]; Lehmann, Hans-Thies; Blau, Herbert; Mervant-Roux, Marie-Madeleine; Fischer-Lichte, Erika; Kotte, Andreas [...]
Place au public: Les spectateurs du théâtre contemporain/ Thomas Hunkeler, Corinne Fournier Kiss et Ariane Lüthe [éds]
MetisPresses, 2008, Genève , (carte) 176p., ISBN 978-2-940406-05-0
Topics (ro): teatru contemporan - spectatori; relatie teatru-public
Topics (en): contemporary theatre - spectators; relationship between theatre and public
Position: Ud-HUN UDC: 792
Series: Collection Voltiges
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Maréchaux, Pierre [Ed.]; Castelain-Meunier, Christine; Fournier, Daniel; Gilbert, Jacques A.; Gommier, J.-F.; Hoquet, Thierry; Le Blay, Prédéric; Sourisse, Amandine; Taranto, Pascal; Tsagalos, Thoerry; Valler, Guillaume
Hercules de toujours: La construction et le culte du corps dans les sociétés occidentales antiques et modernes/ textes réunis et présentés par Pierre Maréchaux
Éditions Nouvelles Cécile Dafaut, 2013, Nantes , (carte) 257p., ISBN 978-2-35018-331-2
Topics (ro): studii culturale - corpul omenesc; Hercule - cultul corpului - societatea antica - societatea moderna
Topics (en): cultural studies - human body; Herakles - worshiip of the body- ancient society - modern society
Position: Sf-MAR UDC: 572.5:316; 291
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Riley, Alexander; Pickering, W. S. F.; Watts Miller, William [Eds.]; Fabiani, Jean-Louis; Menger, Pierre-Michel; Nielsen, Donald; Fournier, Marcel [...]
Durkheim, the Durkheimians, and the Arts/ edited by Alexander Riley, W.S.F. Pickering, and William Watts Miller; Alexander Riley, W. Watts Miller, W.S.F. Pickering, Jean-Louis Fabiani, Pierre-Michel Menger, Donald Nielsen, Marcel Fournier, Michele Richman, Sarah Daynes, Stephan Moebius, Frithjof Nungesser, S. Romi Mukherjee, Claudine Frank
Durkheim Press/ Berghahn Books, 2013, New York; Oxford , (carte) viii, 309p., ISBN 978-0-85745-917-6
Topics (ro): arta - aspecte sociale; Durkheim, Émile, 1858-1917 - sociologie
Topics (en): art - social aspects; Durkheim, Émile, 1858-1917 - sociology
Position: L.2-DURK-Ril UDC: 306.4
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC