New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 4 (total 4 t: a: ).

1. Antonetti, Guy; Babelon, Jean-Pierre; Bercé, Yves-Marie; Bluche, François, Bouretz, Pierre; Carrot, Georges; Denquin, Jean-Marie; Hamon, Léo; Harouel, Jean-Louis; Jaume, Lucien; [...]
Les révolutions françaises: Les phénomènes révolutionnaires en France du Moyen Âge à nos jours / Sous la direction de Frédéric Bluche et Stéphane Rials
Fayard, 1989, Paris , (carte) 500 p., ISBN 2-213-02274-7
Topics (ro): istorie - Franta - sec.XIV-XX; revolutii - Franta - sec.XIV-XX; istorie politica - Franta - sec. XIV-XX; fenomene revolutionare - Franta - sec. XIV-XX
Topics (en): history - France - 14th-20th c.; revolutions - France - 14th-20th c.; political history - France - 14th-20th century; revolutionary phenomena - France - 14th-20th century
Position: H.011b-BLU UDC: 323.27(44)"13/19"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Babelon, Jean-Pierre [ 1898-1978]
La numismatique antique / par Jean Babelon;
Presses universitaires de France, 1949, Paris , (carte) 128p: il.
Topics (ro): istorie - antichitate - numismatica;; istorie antica - monede
Topics (en): history - Antiquity - numismatics; Ancient history - coins
Position: MT/B-2806 UDC: 737.1(37/38); 937/938
Series: Que sais je?; 168

3. Babelon, Jean-Pierre; Chamblas-Ploton, Mic; Leroux, Jean-Baptiste
Classic Gardens: The French Style/ Jean-Pierre Babelon and Mic Chamblas Ploton; Photographs by Jean-Baptiste Leroux
Thames and Hudson, 2000, London , (carte) 299p., ISBN 0-500-51030-X
Topics (ro): gradini - arhitectura gradinilor - gradini clasice - stil francez; gradini pentru intelect - gradini pentru simturi; apa si gradini
Topics (en): gardens - garden architecture - classic gardens - french style; gardens for the intellect - gardens for the senses; water and gardens
Position: Ua.10-BAB UDC: 712(084.1)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Delumeau, Jean; Babelon, Jean-Pierre; Bazin, Louis; Billé, Louis-Marie, Monseigneur; Boubakeur, Dalil; Corral, Carlos, Père; Dmitriev, Mikhail; Frijhoff, Willem; Gaudemet, Jean; Kloczowski, Jerzy; Queyranne, Jean-Jack; Rémond, René; Schilling, Heinz;
L'acceptation de l'autre de l'édit de Nantes à nos jours / sous la direction de Jean Delumeau
Fayard / Direction des Archives de France, 2000, Paris , (carte) 246 p., ISBN 2-213-60577-7
Topics (ro): istorie religioasa - toleranta religioasa - Europa; Europa - pace religioasa - istorie; stat - religie - societate - Europa; religie - crestinism - conflicte confesionale - Europa - istorie
Topics (en): religious history - religious tolerance - Europe; Europe - religious peace - Europe; state - religion - society - Europe; religion - Christianity - confessional conflicts - Europe - history
Position: G.10-DEL UDC: 261.7(4)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC